Staying Safe While Staying Cool
The ancient Romans referred to the hottest, most humid days of summer as “dog days”. Dog days or not, hot weather finds us seeking ways to stay cool inside and outside the home. Here’s a few safety tips to keep mind.
Read MoreOur Top 7 Electrical Safety Tips from Fire Safety Experts
Our Ting Fire Safety Team experts offer their best safety tips based on their extensive experience identifying and mitigating nearly 10,000 electrical hazards.
Read MoreIs It Time to Replace Your Electrical Outlets?
As the #1 electrical fire hazard identified by Ting in 2023, it’s important that your outlets are in good working condition, and where needed, upgraded to keep your family & home safe.
Read MoreSafety Tips: Staying Warm with Electric Heating Devices
It is not unusual that we regularly see a marked increase in home electrical fire threats in regions affected by extreme weather. Whether you’re one of many in your community impacted by a weather event or regional energy supply issue – or your heating system is simply on the fritz – this short article is for you.
Read MoreTop 5 Electrical Fire Hazards of 2023
Based on all the saves our Fire Safety Team guided Ting customers with this year, we’re sharing the top 5 arcing sources that triggered fire hazard warnings in 2023.
Read MoreOverview: Ting-Detected Fire Hazards
Electrical fire hazards can emerge at any time, no matter the age of your home. If you’ve ever wondered what types of hazards Ting is identifying and remediating for homeowners, here’s a really interesting overview.
Read MoreElectric Blanket Safety
Electric blankets (or ‘heating pads’) can offer true comfort and are a mainstream modern convenience. However, because they are designed to create heat from electricity, they are prone to issues that can cause injury or a fire. We provide tips here for buying, using, and inspecting your electric blanket to keep you or a loved one comfortable and safe.
Read MoreDid You Know? Laptop Power Supplies and House Fires
Laptop power supplies can cause electrical fires. While not common, these fires can – and do occur. Here’s how to help stay safe when using them.
Read MoreExtension Cord Safety – Know the Basics
They’re very convenient, so it’s no surprise that extension cords are popular. While they can help deliver power where we need it, we don’t always use them safely or replace them as needed. Understanding how to use them properly helps maximize your safety and minimize the risk of an electrical issue, shock hazard, or fire.
Read MoreElectrical Safety Tips for Homeowners
It’s no surprise that most homeowners are not experts on electricity and how it actually ‘works’. But you don’t need to be an expert to stay safe. Knowing what to look for will help you do just that, and help you decide when to reach out to an expert for help.
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